Tuesday, July 8, 2008

...Britney Spears

It's Britney, bitches!!!!!!!

Meds ran out a couple days ago and it was really shaky for a while there but now I am filled with so much creativity and energy and have been inventing new dance moves to bust out on the new world tour for my as-yet-untitled upcoming album that I've been working hard on and I think it's going to be a really amazing multi-platinum record because I hired some really hip producers to pound out the beats to keep your feet dancing and your heart racing kind of like my heart is racing right now because I just returned from Jamie Lynn's to see her new baby who is so cute and sweet and I think I left Jayden in the car for too long while I was in Saks earlier today but he seemed to be okay just really sweaty and gripey because I didn't remember to roll down the windows but he's so young that he can't tell his daddy but I hope the paparazzi didn't take pictures because I will be up shits creek and oh my god I just want to dance so bad today and I am thinking about shaving my head again because it will show off the wicked cool tattoo that I have on the back of my neck and it will give me a fresh new edgy look for the new record and wow I really am beginning to regret forgetting to refill my prescription because now I'm starting to shake really bad maybe I should get a coffee or something to calm me down because Starbucks has the best double shot espresso macchiato with no-foam latté and I could really go for one now oh my god I just thought of the best lyric for a song ever I will have to remember it tomorrow morning if my heart doesn't explode but I think I'm going to crash right now!!B!r!i!t!n!e!y!


mama-lady said...

I am waiting to see the video of the Geico gecko! Keep it up--you keep us laughing ;)

Unknown said...

what makes this ULTRA hilarious is the picture fits it so perfectly. The look in your eyes...whoo. Wow. The channeling of Britney...

Unknown said...

how's about poking a jab at the guy that did the "leave Brtney alone" spiel on youtube.