Thursday, July 3, 2008

...Christian Siriano

Oh my god, I'm going to die. Project Runway has propelled my star, but most importantly, it's brought me the fiercest tranny-fierce fierce model ever. Her name is T'ara. She is tranny-fierce:

T'ara has inspired me in my designs. I've dropped the whole boxy shoulder approach I used in Project Runway (even though it's still fierce) and am trying a more streamlined Uli meets Rami design aesthetic (which is fiercer and trannier than I myself could ever have imagined).

T'ara likes the new slouching pose that models do. Being statuesque, although fierce in the decades that preceded 2008, is totally out. Just thinking about how un-fierce and un-tranny it is makes me want to kill my fierce self. Don't worry bitches, I won't.

T'ara and I are going to Milan over 4th of July weekend. It's the fiercest city in the world. And we will look totally tranny-fierce together. I'm going to die. I'm so excited.

Later bitches,

PS: LOVE Christian, so don't take this the wrong way (bitches).


GoodLilHunkyGirl said...


Joe. You are a fierce blogger. Ohmigodimgonnadie.

Anonymous said...

Joe, this is absolutely hilarious. The poses you and Sarah struck are top-notch imitations of the designer/model.
So, here are some suggestions for future mockery:

*Mary Kate & Ashley Olson- I could play one, and you the other, and we would write the blog together, switching between characters using bold and italic fonts.

* Barack Obama. Self-explanatory.

* Madonna. Also, self-explanatory, and it would appease my hatred for her.

* Brittney Spears- Shaved head incident, nuff said. Writes itself, really.

Rachael has loved reading our blog, and these suggestions come from both of us.

One more....Rachel Ray..Yum-O! Maybe even Oprah. Dr. Phil. Tim Gunn. You're a maestro of these, so there should be no problem with you coming up ways to poke fun at these people.

Unknown said...

That model is hot.