Wednesday, July 16, 2008

...Paula Abdul

Journal, you are a star!

First, I need to tell you something: you look beautiful tonight. Absolutely stunning! I love the way your pages capture all my thoughts, even if my scribbles are the result of a potentially toxic cocktail of Lithium, antihistamines, 99 Bananas, and Coca-Cola.

Second, America loves you. You just shine! You have captured the hearts of this nation, and you will go far. Okay, so you stumbled a little bit, but you looked beautiful while doing it. You leave me breathless.

Third, don't listen to Simon. He will call you names and make vicious judgments of you, using words like "abysmal" or "deplorable" or "lifeless"; he may even tell you to pack your bags and book your flight. Not a word of it is true, journal! You are a shining star and you are destined for greatness!

Fourth, I love you. When I talk about you, I get choked up and say incoherent things. I might babble uselessly and uninterrupted for several minutes, but I mean every blessed word, even if I can't remember it the morning after.

You are a star, journal. And you look beautiful! And this was your best entry yet.


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