Friday, July 11, 2008

...Larry the Cable Guy

Ah need sum feedback on sum new jokes! Lemme know what ya'll think!

1. A repairman came to see me n' the wife! He says, "What's wrong?" I says, "Dishwasher's broken!" He says, "Slap her ass an' tell 'er to git back to work!" GIT 'ER DONE!

2. Why did the woman cross the road? ...Who the hell cares? What's she doin' outta the kitchen?!? GIT 'ER DONE!!

3. How are zits and Michael Jackson alike? They both come on yer face when yer thirteen! GIT 'ER DONE!!!

4. What's red and has seven dents in it? Snow White's cherry. GIT 'ER DONE!!!!

5. A newlywed redneck couple arrive at their hotel to begin their honeymoon. The manager greets them and says "I see you're newlyweds! ... I can give you the Bridal". The husband says, "No thanks, I'll just hold onto her ears until she gets the hang of it!" GIT 'ER DONE!!!!!

I'm friggin' hilarious, ya'll.

GIT 'ER DONE!!!!!!


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